Can neuropathy in the feet be reversed?

Whether or not to reverse neuropathy depends on the cause of nerve damage. In some cases, the pain may disappear completely. In others, nerve damage may be permanent. For example, when neuropathy is caused by an infection, symptoms may disappear completely when the infection is treated.

While diabetic neuropathy cannot be reversed, people can take steps to reduce the risk of severe symptoms and additional complications. In the meantime, your symptoms are likely to have slowly and steadily worsened over the past few months and years. They're taking your life piece by piece. Maybe you had to cancel the annual hiking trip.

Maybe you're always tired because the pain keeps you awake at night.

Treatment of foot neuropathy

is aimed at relieving pain and restoring sensitivity to improve the function and quality of life of the patient. There is no cure for peripheral neuropathy, but proper treatment will slow progression and address symptoms. If the cause of foot neuropathy is known, treatment of the underlying cause may provide relief.

Unfortunately, 33% of the time podiatrists do not know what causes neuropathy and should treat only the symptoms. Nerve damage caused by diabetes is not completely reversible. However, patients do have treatment options to help manage symptoms. Patients who have neuropathy should focus on regulating blood sugar.

These people should also check their feet every day for signs of new blisters, sores, or signs of infection. In addition, patients may consider decompression surgery. The body cannot repair damaged nerve tissues, which means diabetic neuropathy cannot be reversed. However, side effects can be managed, and treatment for neuropathy often focuses on preventing further damage from occurring.

People with peripheral neuropathy often describe a shooting, burning, or throbbing pain in the feet. People with diabetes should check their feet every day for injuries, infections, or skin changes and keep their feet as clean as possible. Because patients with neuropathy have reduced sensitivity in the legs and feet, patients should check their feet every day for wounds. Because the feet are the area most affected by diabetic neuropathy, it's also critical to pay attention to your feet and identify signs of nerve damage early.

Peripheral neuropathy is, in short, a condition that progressively damages healthy nerves in the peripheral nervous system, especially the thin, delicate nerves in the hands and feet. Peripheral neuropathy is a general term for progressive damage to the sensitive nerves in the feet and toes.

Ellis Straton
Ellis Straton

General burrito scholar. Freelance travel evangelist. Freelance web trailblazer. Certified zombie aficionado. Wannabe music ninja. Wannabe tv fanatic.

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